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Eating In: The Aspiring Chef Learns to Cook
You have a place to cook, a real kitchen or a spot in the dorm, some utensils and the motivation to eat in instead of out. Not only will you save tons of money, you'll also have fun developing cooking skills. Being in charge of your own food preparation is a challenging experience but completely worthwhile.
In this little book, you'll find descriptions of methods and straightforward recipes for breakfasts, veggies and fruit, salads, sauces and soups, entrées, sandwiches and snacks, and sweet things. Some recipes come with tips to make shopping, storing and prepping easier. Some have instructions on how to achieve a complete meal. A few recipes are built upon prepared foods easily found in food markets. But do read their labels to check out fats and sodium levels! All recipes carry both imperial and metric measurements. Please read the page on imperial to metric equivalents and conversions.

The Recipe Project: A Collaborative Effort
This is one family's collection of recipes. Originally starter by Christina Henderson in Richmond, Quebec, the flavours, and indeed the recipes themselves, have evolved over three generations.